b'R E G I S T R AT I O N &T I T L I N GRegistration& TitlingJ ust as you must have a vehicle registration of your car, you(DMV) is the agency that handles boat registrations. Evidence must have a Connecticut Certificate of Number (registrationof ownership must be submitted at the time of registration. card with assigned registration number) and two validationUponreceiptoftheapplicationandfee,aConnecticut decals to legally launch, moor or operate your boat. The onlyRegistration Number will be assigned. A Connecticut Certificate exceptions are: of Number (registration card) and two Connecticut Validation Non-motorized boats; Decals will be issued. A Certificate of Number is valid until Unmotorized sailboats less than 19feet in length;Boats registered in other states using Connecticut watersApril 30 of the decal year. Connecticut registration numbers for 60 days or less; stay with the boat as long as it is registered in the state. A BoatsdocumentedwiththeU.S.CoastGuardusingvessel is considered properly registered when you have a valid Connecticut waters for 60 days or less;certificate on board and your numbers and/or current decals BoatsownedincountriesotherthantheUnitedStatesare properly displayed. (Exception: Recently registered boats temporarily using the waters of the state; and operating under a temporary certificate of number need not Vessels owned by the United States, a state or a politicaldisplay a validation decal until provided by the DMV.) subdivisionofastatebeingusedintheperformanceofIf you have questions or need more information call, the governmental functions.DMV Vessel Registration Information directly at 860-263-5718 Vessel Registration or visit https://portal.ct.gov/DMV/Watercraft/Watercraft/Whenyoupurchaseavessel,youareresponsibleforhelpful-tip/helpful-tip-boats .seeing that it is registered. The Department of Motor Vehicles PHOTO CREDIT - MARK CHANSKI182020 Connecticut BOATERS GUIDE'